Spanish Sin Pena isn't a typical class...

Our program was created for Latine/x's & Allies that struggle with Spanish. Having Spanish as part of your heritage, we recognize that learning it can be a lot to process. A lot comes up around identity, family, cultura, racisim, assimilation etc. 

Our mission is to continue creating & building a safe place for you to learn & practice. It can feel isolating being told you're not Latino/a enough, there's fears of judgement & shame. 

Click here to sign up for our waitlist for the most recent updates & the first chance to save your seat when enrollment opens.

Join our Online Classes from Anywhere with WIFI!

We have students join us from all over the U.S., including Hawaii & Puerto Rico! We've also had students join us from Japan, Canada, London & Mexico.

The core programing is held via zoom with optional in-person meet-up's in different regions.

Spanish Sin Pena isn't a typical class...

The most common thing we hear in our classes when we're all sharing our story is:

"I thought I was the only one!" or "that's my families story too!" It's so validating knowing you're not alone. You have a community to share, ask questions & grow with. It is possible for you to Speak Spanish with confidence!!

Let's do this together!

Let's ask questions, make music videos, interview loved ones, write poems, binge netflix, paint, share traditions, discuss the political climate!

Growing Wait-list!

Our program do sell out so we make sure all those on the waitlist have the first chance to save their seat! 

We Focus on 3 Things:

Helping you shift your mindset.

Getting you to practice speaking.

Address issues confronting the Latinx's.

Our Intention is For You To:

  • Be Proud in Your Identity & Ability to Speak Spanish
  • Feel More Connected to Your Family & Community
  • Use Spanish to Grow Personally & Professionally

Sentir La Pena, Pero Hacerlo de Todas Maneras! 🙌🏽 🔥

Telemundo Interview with Spanish Sin Pena

Our Founder, Wendy Ramirez (@Intimalena) & Co-founder Jackie Rodriguez (@Jacki_ee) share our intention behind Spanish Sin Pena & more about the Learning Kits For Migrant Kids Fundraiser. It is so powerful when community comes together to support our local Hero's, Farmworkers & their families!

Can I sign up if I'm not Latine?

Topics and assignments in this course address identity and the Latinx Community here in the US. We address race, family and culture. If you can identify with these issues and want to learn Spanish to help our community then we’d invite you to join!

How do I Reserve My Spot?

Make sure you are signed up for our wait-list! Once enrollment opens, those on the waitlist will be notified and you'll receive all the enrollment information and options to choose the best payment option for you.

What is the Refund Policy?

After you submit your payment you have 30 days to request a refund. If you are unable to complete the course because of unforeseen events you you can let us know and recieve credit for future programs.

Can My Job Pay For it?

Professional Development Funds

We have students that have used development funds for the program. Request that your employer covers the cost through professional development funds. Email us if you need any support with presenting this to your employer.

Download PDF with full details to share with your employer.

Scholarship Opportunities

If you are committed to improving your Spanish and using it to help your community but are facing financial difficulties that prevent you from making the full investment in this program we invite you to apply for our Full and Partial Scholarship.

Visit for more info.

What Our Students Have to Say??

For our final assignment we asked students to share what they’ve learned from our program and Karlita created this AMAZING music video!

"I decided to do a rap for the program @spanishsinpena where I was completely focused on reclaiming my mother’s language. Combatting the assimilation I experienced in this country, its been a journey discovering and uncovering mi idioma y cultura. To get to this point has been incredibly powerful." - Karlita

Spanish Sin Pena x Pero Like

We were so excited to partner with Eli Vazquez and Maya Murillo, Creators & Filmmakers @Perolike to support them on their Spanish Journeys! Check out the videos below to see how their
Challenges went!